Friday, December 27, 2019

How People Were Influenced By Their Perception And...

Numerous classic psychological studies and historical evidence show that identification with a particular group can lead to dreadful outcomes. From the 1950s, a consensus was widely spread among psychologists that tyranny triumphs because ordinary people carelessly follow orders and mindlessly conform to the powerful ones. A series of classic field experiments in social psychology seemed to confirm the idea of the banality of evil – a phase, which refers to the observation that people who commit evil acts appear to be unremarkable and indistinguishable from other members of society (Arendt, 1963). Sherif (1936) conducted a study on conformity. This experiment tested how people were influenced by others in their perception and judgement of the autokinetic effect. Sherif concluded that people when judging an ambiguous stimulus will rely upon others to resolve uncertainty – shared norms were created. Participants tend to compromise and change their opinion to resemble others in the group. Similarly, Asch (1951) carried out an experiment with not ambiguous stimulus – with an apparent, correct answer to a line judgement task. However, this experiment reached the same conclusions – even though, the answer was obviously wrong, participants were influenced by other group members and tend to conform to a majority. 76.4% of naà ¯ve participants gave a wrong answer in at least one of the 12 trials. Asch (1951) concluded that people tend to conform because of the normative influence -Show MoreRelatedTypes Of Norms : Descriptive Norms1501 Words   |  7 Pagesare the rules and standards of a certain group, which dictate how its members are expected to behave. It is possible to distinguish between 2 types of norms: descriptive norms, which inform us as to how others act in similar situations, and injunctive norms, which specifically indicate how an individual should behave. The individual will tend to conform to the norms of the group, and sometimes even disregard their own opinion or perception in order to fit in, as shown by studies by Acher and others

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of Uncle Toms Children By Richard Wright

Short stories were another way that Richard Wright was able to depict the poor social conditions of African-Americans in the South. African-Americans during the time period of Richard Wright were oppressed and were treated with violence by the whites of America. African-Americans experienced racial prejudices and humiliation everywhere, for example in Uncle Tom’s Children, Richard Wright relates his experiences with racism through playing games with white children as well as, through the violence and bigotry that he experiences at work from his co-workers (Annadurai, Social par. 5). The short story format of Uncle Tom’s Cabin allows for Richard Wright to discuss and portray racism in a very impactful way. With each story addressing racism†¦show more content†¦The latter of which is what Richard Wright chose but instead of using his violence physically, he used it towards his writings as a way to rebel against the oppressive whites (Ellison par. 22). Jim Crow se rved as a â€Å"great† way to oppress blacks by, making whites look superior and godlike to blacks. African-Americans were not seen as individuals however, they are marked by a preconceived notion and are judged on the basis of their race rather than who they really are. One person cannot change the way an entire community is viewed, they only way the community can be viewed differently is if the whole community changes. Some whites living in the South ignored the racism as a form of protection against it while, some whites justified their oppression of African-Americans by believing that African-Americans were simpler beings and their social conditions did not need to be improved, therefore, whites did not need to feel guilt about their actions towards blacks. (Ellison par. 47) It is through this oppression by whites, that they are able to keep the black population in the south below whites, however, when African-Americans moved away from the south,Show MoreRelated Contrast ing Native Son and Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay4128 Words   |  17 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper examines the drastic differences in literary themes and styles of Richard Wright and Zora Neale Hurston, two African--American writers from the early 1900s. The portrayals of African-American women by each author are contrasted based on specific examples from their two most prominent novels, Native Son by Wright, and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Hurston. With the intent to explain this divergence, the autobiographies of both authors (Black Boy and Dust Tracks on a Road) areRead MoreBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words   |  44 PagesChange and Family Life, 1815–1860 This DBQ requires that students examine aspects of American home and family life between 1815 and 1860. The structure of the question provides three topics that can be used as a template for structuring the lines of analysis in their essays—westward expansion, the market economy, and early industrialization. A glance at the chronology sections in the textbook that conclude Chapters 9 and 11 should serve to demonstrate that numerous changes occurred relating to each ofRead MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words   |  121 Pagesplease visit: Copyright Information  ©2000-2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gales For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, CompareRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pageshe cannot keep up (literally!) with Dr. Robbin’s accomplishments on the track, Dr. Judge enjoys golf, cooking and baking, literature (he’s a particular fan of Thomas Hardy and is a member of the Thomas Hardy Society), and keeping up with his three children, who range in age from 23 to 9. Preface Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Organizational Behavior! Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, this edition continues its tradition of making current, relevant researchRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structureRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pagescurve with equation x2 = 12/x1 . At the point (x1 , x2 ), the marginal utility of good 1 is x2 and the marginal utility of good 2 is x1 . Therefore Arthur’s marginal rate of substitution at the point (3, 4) is −x2 /x1 = −4/3. Example: Arthur’s uncle, Basil, has the utility function U âˆâ€" (x1 , x2 ) = 3x1 x2 − 10. Notice that U âˆâ€" (x1 , x2 ) = 3U (x1 , x2 ) − 10, where U (x1 , x2 ) is Arthur’s utility function. Since U âˆâ€" is a positive multiple of U minus a constant, it must be that any change in

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Multiple discrimination and gender equality free essay sample

Anti-discrimination practice aim is to stabilize harmful effects of discrimination on children and young people to take actions against the discrimination in all ways. We shouldn’t be taken in in any kind of activities that could be realized as discriminatory or potentially insulting to individuals and in groups. The school must have the policies that give us the supervision on anti-discriminatory practice.important that we should examine our own attitude, values, and behavior. Our behaviour, attitude have impact while we are working with the children. It can affect in positive and negative ways. It is important to identify the person’s background and experiences which also have an impact on the development of individuals or group. For example, if we are looking about the learning of the children cultures and background, skills and interests and specific need of the child and young people this will help us to provide us more active, appropriate support as it will give us variety of information of different cultures. We will write a custom essay sample on Multiple discrimination and gender equality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will be able to talk in a suitable way. We will also be able to know about their care and the things they are involved in.Our behavior has a negative impact on the children. In my setting, there is a child who has always some issues with the other children. If he/she is working together they are not sharing pencils and rubber with others and have a dispute with other children while they are standing in a queue. If they are complaining to me about the other children of misbehaving. I should not be angry with them and should realize them that I feel happy when I am helping them and make sure that they are safe and happy.It is important that children should pass positive messages and information to the peers and their significance in the world to develop them the strong sense of self-respect. We should give respect to others values and beliefs. We should also make sure that we should help the extra needs children . We should help them by keeping ourselves in boundaries . We should give sometimes to handle their things by themselves. It is important to reflect on the methods in which our training can be influenced by the belief values and behavior and make sure we should give real and skilled support to the children and young people

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Internet Essays (1724 words) - Internet Protocols,

The Internet The Internet: How it Works and How it Effects the World Many people do not understand what the Internet is the power that it has over the world. The Internet is an extraordinary learning and entertainment tool that, when used properly, can significantly enhance a user's ability to gather information. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) started the Internet. It was a project under taken by the Department Of Defense (DOD) in 1969. It started as an experiment to link together DOD and military research including Universities doing military-funded research. The reliable networking part involved dynamic rerouting. (Levine 12) If one of the computers was under enemy attack, the information could be automatically transferred to other links. Fortunately, the Net is not usually under enemy attack. The ARPANET was very successful, and every university in the country wanted to sign up. Because so many people wanted to use the Net, ARPANET started getting hard to manage, especially with many university sites on it. Therefore, it was broken into two parts: MILNET, which had all the military sites, and ARPANET, which had all the nonmilitary sites. The two networks remained connected, however, thanks to a technical scheme called IP (Internet Protocol), which enabled traffic to be routed from one net to another as needed. All the networks connected by IP in the Internet speak IP, so they can all exchange messages. (Levine 12) Even though there were only two networks at that time, IP was made to allow thousands of networks. The IP is designed so that every computer on an IP network is compatible. That means any machine can communicate with any other machine. The Internet, also called the Net, is the world's largest computer network. The Internet is the network of all networks. (Levine 7) The networks are connected to big companies like AT&T, as well as to home computers. About 1,000 networks join each month. Every computer that is attached to the Internet is called a host. Hosts can be super computers with thousands of users, regular PC's with only a couple of users, or specialized computers, like routers that connect networks together or to terminal servers that let terminals dial in and connect to other hosts. Each computer has its own host number. Being computers, the kind of numbers hosts like are 32-bit binary numbers. (Hayden 32) Here is an example of a binary number: 1011010010010100100100101000 Binary numbers are easier to remember by breaking them up into eight 4-bit groups. Then each group is translated into it's Hexadecimal equivalent. (Levine 18) So the number above would translate into this: B.49.49.28 This number is easier to use and remember. Every four digits in the binary number stands for one hexadecimal number. Below is a list of each four binary numbers and its hexadecimal equivalent. To figure out the binary number in the example into its Hex equivalent is in this way: 1011 is the first four digits of the binary number. Looking at the table, it can be determined that its hexadecimal equivalent is a B. The second set of four binary numbers is 0100. That changes into 4 and so on. The first four numbers of a host number tells you what class the network is. The chart bellow states classes and sizes: Class First Number Length of First No Max No of Hosts A 1-126 1 16,387,064 B 128-191 2 64,516 C 192-223 3 254 Big companies like IBM and Apple usually have class A networks. For example, IBM has network 9, and AT&T has network 12, so a host number would be at IBM, and would be at AT&T. (Levine 19) Medium sized companies and universities have class B networks. Rutgers University has network 128.6 and Goldman Sachs has network 138.8 (Levine 19) Small organizations use class C networks. Network 192.65.175, for example, is used by a single IBM research lab. To make it easier the Internet uses names, not numbers. For example, the machine we have heretofore referred to as is named chico. (Levine 21) When ARPANET first came out, they had simple names; the machine at Harvard was called HARVARD. But since there are millions of names on the Net they had trouble coming up with different names. To avoid this problem they created the Domain Name System (DNS). Host names are strings of words separated with dots. For example,